Human Health Care


Nano Cure Tech Inc - South Korea ( www.nanocuretech.com )


Countries that Faam Zarin is representing:

Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan - Armenia - Azerbaijan -Turkmenistan - Georgia

Afghanistan - Kyrgyzstan - Iraq - Bangladesh - Tajikistan - Sri Lanka


NanoCureTech was founded in 1st  October, 2007 for the purpose of contributing to society with great products and technology, and improving Quality of life by nano-biofusion technology.
By blending original nanotechnology and medical biotechnology into a fusion technology, we are a cooperate advocating to develop new medical and biotechnology products and technology.
A cooperate based on nanotechnology that develops new medicine and dental medical supplies.
NanoCureTech is dedicated to quality research and elegant formulations. 
Focused on innovations and our experience with antioxidants and dental care NanoCureTech is in the unique position to bring innovative and the most advanced products for oral health and the newest nano-antioxidant technology to the burgeoning field of natural oral care market.
NanoCureTech researches, formulates, and markets topically applied, nano-antioxidant-based on oral care and oral hygiene products.
Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, NanoCureTech has established a new category of products on nano-antioxidant-based oral care.
NanoCureTech has developed highly efficient gingival treatment tooth pastes.
The toothpastes that NanoCurerech has developed includes nano material and has been developed purely in Korea.
NanoCureTech has an adjunct research institute and are developing researches that has engrafted nanobio technology such as gingivaJ medicine and cancer medicine for oral cancer.



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Faam Zarin Kimia Avar




Cell Phonel: +98 9125873175

Cell Phone: +34 632304742

Tel: +98(0) 21 44436590 & 44466448

Tel/Fax: +98 (0) 21 44456173